Our Services
Our Services
Now, more than ever, people are moving to other countries with their jobs or simply just working remotely. Why? Because they can.
International tax laws are complex and often confusing. With each country and local jurisdiction there are different tax rules and reporting requirements. You need to know which ones apply to you.
We specialize in international tax for people who move around the globe. Our consultants simplify the complicated, plan for taxes, and keep you in compliance with local laws. We can also help with your tax declarations.
As a globally mobile individual, you will need to consider how taxes affect your unique situation. Without understanding the tax risks involved, you could be facing penalties, double taxation, and more.
The opportunities for remote work are endless. So, you landed a job working remotely … internationally. Now what?
Looking to continue global mobility tax services but no longer on a company-based program for support?
Is your family straddling various countries? Tax planning for globally mobile individuals and their families is our specialty.
“GMT makes tax season easy and quick – I always get the answers I need and recommendations I don’t know to ask for. There are a lot more considerations while working in a foreign country and I trust GMT to make sure everything is right the first time.”
-Global Director, SAAS company
Our consultants are well-versed in international tax. In any circumstance, we create a clear tax strategy, advise on cost-savings, and help optimize global tax compliance.
Our 100+ combined years of consulting experience speaks for itself.
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